Sunday, November 25, 2007

Welcome to Christmas

Thanksgiving is now over and NOW we can start to celebrate Christmas. Pull out the lights and tree with ribbons and bows. Most of all it is time to deal with bad Holiday drivers, rude people trying to get a good deal on a present and yelling at the cashier when it doesn't ring up right, and general douchbaggery. I personally love the Christmas time of the year but I can do without the ill will of most people. Perhaps I like to see acts of kindness for no reason. Perhaps it is what the true idea behind the season is all about. I don't know, but I would like to think that people are still kind for no reason then just be kind. I don't think people are kind anymore. There is a lack of respect for others in general. I hope that whoever reads this post thinks about doing a kind act at least once this season for no personal gain. Give food to a food bank, donate to Coats for kids, or even it is to give a person your parking spot at a store. What ever you do I hope this post has given you a reason to do it. If you do happen to have an act of kindness or you have someone else give you an act of kindness post it here. I would love to hear it. Re-new my faith in this Holiday. If you are one of those who says to hell with other people I have a perfect song for you to listen to.

1 comment:

MegatonMaynard said...

I plan on doing the wife for x-mas.